About me – Bio & Resume

Francesca Abbate was born in Rome in 1986.

After graduating in Industrial Design at the ISIA in Rome (course A.F.A.M.,  Higher Artistic Education) in 2012 she passes the entrance test for the three year course of the Art School of Medals of the Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato with the highest marks.


Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato

In 2014 she is selected with three other students to make a bas-relief to be donated to the Pontifex and delivers it personally during the General Audience of 18/ 3/ 2015.

With Pope Francesco I Bergoglio

In 2015 she wins a scholarship reserved for the best students at the Art School of Medals, and during this experience she realizes the commemorative stamp for the 60th Anniversary of the Twinning of Rome and Paris, emitted on the 30th of November 2016.

Stamp - Twinning Rome and Paris
Stamp by Francesca Abbate, italian artist: ergaving, modeling, coins & medals

She is currently working as designer and modeler of coins, medals and bars for the London Mint Office Ltd.
She is creating, in association with the artist Alessandro Sabong, the brand of jewels Ascesa Handmade Jewels, inspired by Graffiti’s world.

Read my full resume: Francesca Abbate Resume

Besides art she loves teaching: in 2011 she gets DITALS certifications for teaching Italian as a second language after completing a Super Intensive Training at the school “Torre di Babele” in Rome.

In 2013 she worked as a volunteer with the Rete Scuole Migranti for the creation of the course in civics “Being Italian citizens”, taking care of the graphics, content and linguistic register.  The course has been incorporated by the Interior Ministry and co-financed by the European Union, the Lazio Region and the Interior Ministry.

Passionate about chalcographic engraving and modelling of medals, she is also specializes in embossing, molding, modeling wax and stone engraving.

From 2013 she is a member of the Italian Association Art of Medal (A.I.A.M.).

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